The best candidates for a thigh lift are people with loose or sagging skin and who are in good health. Having realistic expectations about what you are wanting from the procedure is also important.

Prior to the procedure, a surgeon will meet with the candidate to discuss the surgery, confirm the results that can realistically be achieved and outline the complications that can occur. It is essential that candidates have realistic expectations.
Your surgeon will also perform diagnostic examinations and/or laboratory investigations prior to hospital admission and surgery. This is to ensure that you are fit for surgery. You may also be advised to lose as much weight as is naturally and realistically possible to maximize the results of the surgery.

Thigh lifts can be performed in conjunction with tummy tucks and liposuction. General anesthesia is required for this procedure. Thigh lift surgery alone takes approximately 2 hours to complete.
An incision is placed in the groin area underneath the bikini line. A curve-shaped section of skin is removed from the groin, then the tissues underneath the incision are loosened and the thigh lift occurs as the skin is pulled up and the incision stitched closed. In order to prevent sagging as the incisions heal, deep stitches are used to secure the skin to bone and ligament.
In order to prevent excess fluids after the surgery, drains are placed in the incision. These are generally removed within a few days.

There is risk in all surgical procedures and it is important that you are aware of the risks involved in your procedure before going ahead with the surgery. During your appointments you should discuss any concerns with your surgeon and not be afraid to ask questions. Your surgery will be unable to proceed unless you sign a pre-surgery consent form.

It is also your obligation to advise your surgeon of any important medical information that could affect your surgery and/or increase your levels of risk. The type of medical information that you should disclose includes medical complications, previous surgeries, current and recent medications and family disease.

As with any surgery, there are always possible risks and potential complications. Following a surgical thigh lift, most patients feel minimal pain that is easily managed with medication. Any swelling has usually disappeared within 2 or 3 weeks and there is rarely any bruising associated with the surgery

Whilst most patients are able to move around within a few days of the surgery, patients should anticipate having around 1 week off from work. Stitches will be removed within one week to 10 days and the results of the procedure are almost available immediately.

High impact activity: Normal activities can be resumed within 2 weeks. Exercise can be resumed within 3-4 weeks after surgery.
Fading of scars: Your scars will be in areas that are hidden and with time, will fade.

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Australian Medical Travel has successfully been sending Australian to Thailand since 2005; This is why we are the #1 Medical Tourism Agency in Australia.

First contact our informative staff for detailed costs and information on your procedure. Next take photographs and have a No Obligation quote and recommendations from your choice of a surgeon in Phuket, Bangkok or both.

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