Breastfeeding – Can I breastfeed after breast enlargement surgery?

Women contemplating breast augmentation surgery have many questions. The biggest of these is the impact breast implants might have on their ability to breastfeed.

Most women who have undergone breast enlargement surgery are still able to breastfeed.

Many are able to breastfeed fully without the need for any supplements. Others may need a galactagogue to increase their milk supply and flow. It can also be helpful to use a breast pump to increase milk production. Some women can breastfeed, but also need the formula to supplement their baby’s diet.

Breast implants can contract the milk ducts. This inhibits the flow and quantity of milk. However, many women have no problems at all. A breast enlargement is not always a bar to breastfeeding.

Other breast enhancement procedures may impact more on breastfeeding. These include breast reduction surgery or undergoing a breast lift. This is because both of these procedures may require relocation or resize of the nipple/areola. This can affect the milk ducts.

We offer free cosmetic surgery assessments if you are planning on becoming pregnant after breast enhancement surgery. You can ask questions about the procedure and the impact it may have on your ability to breastfeed.

Everyone is different. The type of procedure that you have and how it is performed is dependent on your individual anatomy. Discuss your proposed surgery with Australian Medical Travel. We can help you to understand more about the impact of breast implants before and after giving birth. You can also discover the range of options you have available.

How long after surgery do I have to wait before breastfeeding?

Breast augmentation surgery may not have a significant impact on your ability to breastfeed. But if you are planning on getting pregnant it is advisable to leave a suitable period of time after surgery before you do so. This is to give you adequate time to heal after undergoing the procedure.

There is, of course, no set time for this as every woman’s body is different. It is important to take professional advice in this regard. You should ideally allow six to twelve months between having a breast enlargement and becoming pregnant.

How do breast implants impact on breastfeeding?

Your ability to breastfeed after having surgery will depend on the type of breast implants you have. It will also depend on how your breast enlargement surgery is performed.

If you have silicone implants or saline implants, you might experience a change in the sensitivity of your nipples. You might also have exaggerated breast engorgement. Mastitis, which occurs when a milk duct does not clear properly, can also be an issue for some women with breast implants. But it should be borne in mind that these are common occurrences for women who are breastfeeding. They are not exclusive to those who have had their breasts enlarged or augmented.

The location of your breast implants can also affect how well you are able to breastfeed. Silicone or saline implants located under the chest muscle are not as restrictive on milk production and flow. Those that are under the glandular tissue in your breast (on top to the chest muscle) restrict flow more.

Breast augmentation surgery impacts most significantly on a woman’s ability to breastfeed when it has required a periareolar incision. This is when the incision is around the underside of the areola (at the point where it meets the skin). This procedure leaves the least scarring. However, getting breast implants in this way can result in severed or damaged nerves and milk ducts. The degree of feeling which you retain in the nipple may show the impact of this surgery on your ability to breastfeed.

Alternative methods

A periareolar incision may not be ideal for women who are undergoing breast implant surgery before they have given birth.

There are other methods of breast enlargement surgery that do not impact as significantly on a woman’s ability to breastfeed. One is inframammary surgery, where the incision is under the fold of the breast. Another is transaxillary surgery, where it is in the crease of the armpit. These types of breast surgery are less likely to disrupt the nerves around the nipples or to cause damage to the milk ducts.

You won’t know the full impact of breast implants on your ability to breastfeed until the time comes to start feeding your baby. It is imperative to consult with medical professionals before undergoing breast enlargement surgery. This is so that you understand completely the potential outcomes. It is also important to inform your baby’s doctor that you have breast implants. They will check whether your new baby is getting enough milk or whether they need a supplement.

How will my breasts change during and after breastfeeding?

here will be a change in your breasts while you are pregnant and when you are breastfeeding. This will have an effect on how they look and feel.

Some of the changes that may occur, such as sagging, are a result of the amount of breast tissue you have. It will not be a result of your breast implants. You may also find that your breasts feel swollen and more tender, or that the veins become more visible. It might also be the case that nipples become more sensitive, or change colour.

These are common occurrences that come about during and after breastfeeding. They are unlikely to be completely caused by or have an ongoing effect on, your breast implants.

How much do breast implants cost?

At Australian Medical Travel, we specialise in finding ways to keep your breast implant price as low as possible. However, we still offer you outstanding surgery and care. Our breast implant Thailand service means that you can enjoy VIP treatment under the care of first-rate medical staff in excellent facilities. You can get this at a cost that makes it more affordable and accessible for all.

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