Arm Lift Surgery – Sleeveless tops and dresses, essential for keeping cool in the hot weather, are unfortunately off the table for some women because they feel so uncomfortable about the appearance of their arms. This is because drooping or sagging skin on the upper and inner arms can produce “bat wings” or “tuckshop arms”, two rather unkind terms used to describe the condition.

This is particularly the case for women who have undergone some significant weight loss, or those who are getting older and perhaps not as active as they once were, or whose skin is losing its elasticity.

We are often contacted at Australian Medical Travel by women who want to undergo an arm lift (more properly known as brachioplasty, although also referred to as arm reduction surgery), which is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to reshape and contour the arms, in particular, the upper and inner arm regions. In general, arm lift surgery will remove excess fat deposits and/or loose skin, and restore the shape and smoothness of the arms.

An arm reduction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that restores confidence and gives women greater freedom in terms of dress, as sleeveless garments are no longer outfits that have to stay at the back of the wardrobe. Our patients who have undergone this form of cosmetic surgery report that they feel more comfortable and confident not just in the warmer months but all year round, and that they greatly enjoy the more sculpted appearance of their arms and the feeling of being able to wear whatever they like once more.

What is involved in arm lift surgery?

Arm lift surgery is usually carried out under general anaesthetic and requires an incision to be made in the armpit, the inside of the arm or on the back of the arm (the precise position and length of the incision will depend on the amount and location of excess skin to be removed).

Through this incision, excess fat is removed from the underside of the arm (usually using liposuction), the skin is tightened and the excess removed, and then the underlying muscle is tightened with sutures and the incision closed using stitches. In most cases, the procedure will take 2 to 3 hours to complete.

The result is smoother skin, with no excess folds drooping down, and the overall look and tone of the arm are much improved with a more youthful appearance.

As with all forms of invasive surgery, the incisions made will produce small scars. However, given the nature of the surgery, these are usually located in the armpit, the inside or the back of the arm, and so are not generally visible. Also, like all scars, they will generally fade over time.

Arm reduction surgery recovery time

There will likely be some temporary swelling, bruising and mild discomfort after your arm reduction procedure, although you will nevertheless be able to see the results immediately.

In most cases, you can return to work and to normal activities between 1 to 2 weeks after undergoing brachioplasty surgery. However, any strenuous physical activity, including sports, should be avoided for around six weeks after the procedure. You will also likely need to wear a compression garment for up to three weeks after your arm reduction procedure in order to help with the healing process and to reduce swelling. As with any cosmetic surgery, the specific recovery times will, of course, depend on the individual.

Arm lift surgery Thailand

The arm lift surgery cost that is incurred means that it is a procedure that has hitherto been prohibitively expensive for many Australians.

The arms reduction price you will be charged will depend on where you have the procedure performed, the fees charged by the surgeon and the anaesthetist, the hospital’s charges, and other associated costs. However, on average, the overall cost of brachioplasty surgery in Australia will range from $7,000 to $17,000, depending on your location, surgeon, etc.

However, at Australian Medical Travel, we specialise in reducing cosmetic surgery costs by facilitating arm lift surgery Thailand packages where the fees are significantly reduced. Get in touch to find out about how you can have arm reduction surgery in Thailand at a fraction of the cost that you would pay at home.

Our medical tourism Thailand packages consist of a comprehensive service where we organise everything for you, from liaising with surgeons, to booking flights and accommodation, to picking you up and dropping you off at the hospital. We partner with Bangkok Hospital, located in Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya, and now widely recognised as one of the best international hospitals in the world, to ensure that you get the best possible treatment and care.

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